Mental Health Resources

PFFC recognizes the importance of mental health and the additional susceptibility to it that first responders face.  We have compiled some resources for those in need of assistance, as well as for education. 

Education is key to understanding and addressing mental health issues.  We urge you to invest the time to be educated, and then remember that if you see something, say something.  You could save a life. 

And if you’re the one struggling?  PLEASE reach out.  There IS help and you CAN do it!  Getting help is the strongest thing you can do.  You’ve dedicated your life to helping others – please allow yourself to be on the receiving end.  YOU ARE NEEDED!  

If the financial aspect is a stumbling block, rest assured there is help available for that too.  Many of the options below are free and/or offer financial assistance.  Many places accept insurance, as well.  You can also send us a financial help request here.

Assistance: Click to go to websites below in this window or right-click to open in new tab.

(Local Prescott, AZ area) Website: Start Moving On Counseling      Phone: (928) 910-5145

(Arizona - First Responders) Website: 100 Club of Arizona  (If you're Police or Fire, download their apps, Bulletproof or Fireproof, for even more resources)

(Arizona - First Responders) 24-hour Confidential Public Safety Support Line: (602) 433-2677

(National - Military, First Responders, and their spouses) Website: Mighty Oaks

(National - Military, First Responders, and their families) Website: Gary Sinise Foundation

(National - Military) Website: Battle Buddy Response Team

(National - Military) Website: Angels With Demons or Angels With Demons Facebook Support Group

(National - Military, First Responders, and their families) Website: Boulder Crest

(National - Military and First Responders) Website: The Big Red Barn Retreat: Helping Heroes Thrive: 


- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:   Call 24/7: Dial 988 or visit

Crisis Textline: or Text: TALK to 741741

- Veterans & First Responders in Crisis:   1-800-273-8255

The Marine Corp DSTRESS Line:  1-877-476-7734

- Stop Soldier Suicide or for Immediate Response: 844-503-2339

- Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS): 1-800-959-TAPS (8277) 

Assistance in Finding Counseling:   Mission 22www.mission22.comGive An Hour: www.giveanhour.orgThe Elk

Education: Click to read articles in this tab or right-click to open in new tab.

Moral Injury(Never heard of it?  No worries, you're not alone - but it's even more important that you read these articles because you NEED to be aware of it.)

A Mother’s Warning about PTSD and Moral Injury

Almost Sunrise Documentary and Information

The Moral Injury Project

Moral Injury Is an Invisible Epidemic That Affects Millions


What Is PTSD?

PTSD Basics


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